Sunday, 29 May 2011

The count down begins..

112 Days , 18 hours , 8 minutes , 19 seconds and counting ... Breath ... Smile .... Breath .... I look at my Count down and I see the days are getting closer. How sweet ! So I have some of the details location, date etc but some of the small stuff , I am still waiting on especially the EMBASSY nightmare ( raised eyebrow) . SO this blog is more so for me to help me through my journey of needed growth and of course I figure to share with people who may relate to my experiences. So I will try to post as much as I can .. Random thoughts  pictures , feelings etc and of course my experience will include FASHION since its embedded in me.

As I sit here trying to google every question , I know i just need to relax and leave up to God.  Dear God, it's me . Are you there, Are you ready .. Well I am ready ...
