Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Vroom Vroom ! Beep Beep !!!!!

My facinations with vespas come from another life time where I lived strolling in Rome or Paris eating a gelato lol ok wake up ... So the search begins to seek an option for transportation. ( shrugs shoulders, I think I'll lok pretty sexy with my red bottom heels , versace scarf in the wind of the EU .. Beep Beep move out the way BITCH ! hahahhah ummm the bus or train works fine as well..

Namaste .....

Monday, 30 May 2011

In the name of love....


The list never stops .....

ok why did I download 5 apps that include packing lists, to do lists and what to take ? I just need my underwear some good heels my camera and my laptop and I am ready .( i wish lol).. but I have gotten tremendous advice from CIEE people on Facebook so the apartment hunting and packing phobia has calmed down a bit . However , Favala has a list of it's own. That's my baby and I have to make sure I have the crucial things.( keep posted WATCH OUT EU FAVALA is coming ).. So today is another day counting down ... There is so much to do in reality but there is so much time left that everything will fall into place . God leads the way , I'll just follow....


Sunday, 29 May 2011

The count down begins..

112 Days , 18 hours , 8 minutes , 19 seconds and counting ... Breath ... Smile .... Breath .... I look at my Count down and I see the days are getting closer. How sweet ! So I have some of the details location, date etc but some of the small stuff , I am still waiting on especially the EMBASSY nightmare ( raised eyebrow) . SO this blog is more so for me to help me through my journey of needed growth and of course I figure to share with people who may relate to my experiences. So I will try to post as much as I can .. Random thoughts  pictures , feelings etc and of course my experience will include FASHION since its embedded in me.

As I sit here trying to google every question , I know i just need to relax and leave up to God.  Dear God, it's me . Are you there, Are you ready .. Well I am ready ...
